DTG is one of a printing technique that is used for direct orienting on apparels based on cotton like caps, shirts, pillow, bags, home furnishings, promotional items, and cases utilizing technology related to inkjet. Printing on garment related to DTG (through inkjet) is done via utilizing specified kind of printers, which shows usage of inkjet printers, that involves the usage of digital printers. These printers use special kind of ink, which persists on fabric for longer time period. This special kind of digital printing makes apparel vivid and stylish. This printing system is more accurate as it implies strong mechanism of printing as compared to printing on paper.
DTG InkJet printers
These printers are taken into use for process basically. It is considered as most faster, economical, and cleaner as compared to traditional methods of screen printing. Also it significantly needs less space for operation and cost of start-up for business. T-shirt designers and decorators can create masterpiece or large production. Regardless of quantity of colors, beautiful looking apparels can be produced without hassle of stretching screens, film positives, and chemical usage for screen reclamation.
Pairing a DTG solution
By pairing this alongside machine for automatic pre-treatment is suggested to make progress and surety of consistency related to treatment of darker textile. Printers running with higher volumes should also be taken into consideration to invest in a dried tunnel for improving productivity and outcome is a print’s softer handle.

Fabric Selection
Your dedicated representative will initially help you select the best fabric for your product.

Cut & Sewing
Once the fabric is selected, it is sent for Cut & Sew processes to make sure that the quality of the product is not compromised at all.

At this step, all the changes you need in terms of printing, add-ons and changes are done effectively.

Once your product is finalized, we make sure that every piece has your label before it is sent to the packaging department

The final product is ironed, folded with care and packed in the baggage of your choice to give it a premium look

Once the order is packed and ready, it is sent for shipment to your location with minimum shipping time.