Types of Hats
Hats are the only apparel element that never goes out of style, no matter if you are out on the go in casual clothing or if you are wearing formal clothing, you can always top off your style with a stylish hat.

Hats are an essential part of attire for some while some wears it casually but in both case these hats never fails to add style to your attire. And the fun part is when we are talking about hats, you have got around tons of options to choose from. If there snapback hat is not working for you, you can choose fedora hat, or top hat, or cowboy hat, or anything from a wide array of option. Whether it’s for men or for women, the hats range are never ending.
This wide variety of the hats makes a huge target audience to cater for your brand. Or if you have got unique hats or caps design ideas you can work always work with a custom hats manufactures to create custom hats as per your specifications and go on with the idea of starting a hat business.
Hats have been favorite option for the consumers from long as every style reflects a different style and story behind it, and this is exactly what people are crazy about. As there are wide options to choose from, it becomes pretty difficult to choose that which hats you should sell. All types of hats goes on trending at different times / season of the year. So here is a guide to let your know about everything hats and its business.
With a good hat you can look unique, rich and different from others, moreover it also increases your chances of get noticed in the public. With much options about different type of hats people can choose between different hats styles that express themselves.
The best part about the hats collection is that everything is exciting about it, even you might be surprised by the end of the blog by exploring so many options that are available for you. So let’s dive in and find out the best hats style that you can choose from.
Different Type of Hats
The baseball caps

The baseball caps are pretty popular option from 1700’s. these type of baseball caps reflects the basic casual symbol and that’s why it has a pretty huge fan base who wears baseball caps on every day basis. The brim of the baseball caps is long enough to protect ones face from sunlight and cover the face from the front side.
The dad caps and snapbacks caps are the pretty popular series from the baseball caps.
Bonnet hat

The Bonnet hat are the classic hat that are popular in women. From the arrival of these hats the bonnet hats have remained a good option from all perspective, such as size, shapes, or from the style statement point of view. These type of hats are often worn by the women who like the historic traditions and designs because the bonnet hats reflect the classic 1920’s look.
Balaclava hats

You might be hearing the name of balaclava hats for the first time, but it’s actually a wrap cap that is loved by the consumers as hat. These type of caps are mostly worn by men to cover the whole face, forehead, nose, whole neck. These caps are like the headwear that players wear in the popular game counter strike.
Bucket Hat

As the name tells, the bucket hats have shapes like a bucket and these are commonly worn by the people who are farmers or those who are professional fishers. As these people are working directly under the sun, so the buckets hats provide good protection from the stretchy sun of midday. But this doesn’t stop the bucket hat from being fashion icon. Model uses the bucket hats in their daily live as it reflects great style.
Beret hat

The beret hat is another popular option that is pretty famous in the regions like France, New York, and not just famous it has become a fashion icon for many people there. Since the evolution the beret hats have become a good selection and it seems to create a good impression over consumers.
Sun hat

As it is understandable by its name, the sun hat is specifically made protection from sun and it is worn by women. With its wide brim all around the cap the sun hat has pretty wider coverage from the sun and UV rays. Due to this reason, the sun hats are common option that customer pick all around the globe. Whether people are going to beach, or just for casual outing, women loves to wear sun hat.
Snap backs

The snap back caps belong to the baseball hats family. The newer generation prefers snap back version of the baseball hats or we can say the snap backs are the new and updated version of baseball hats. Moreover, the snapback is also worn with the brim side on the back side. From the 90’s the snap backs have become a new and popular option in the consumer market.
Dad hats

The dad hats are another family member from the baseball hats family, but with the style it offers, you can’t argue about the stylish look the dad hats offers. The style is in style from the 90 and still winning the hearts of the consumers. with an adjusting strap in the back, you can easily get the hats fitted according to your needs.
A style tip: The dad hats looks awesome and lighten up with the sneaker and casual clothing.
Visors hats

Ever thought that what is the name of hats that you are blank or uncovered from the top side of head, yes exactly these caps are popular among tennis players and also other sports men and women. These are called visors; the hats are pretty good option. As a leading hats manufacturer, we have been producing top class visors and all other type of hats for our huge clientele base, no matter how complicated or difficult your design is, we are pretty sure do that we can create a top notch hat for you.
There is a strange funny and interesting behind the name of the beanie, it got named after our very own head. Back then in the 20th century, people used to call our head as “bean” and that’s how these hats are names after beanie as it’s closely attached to the head and provides maximum comfort to head.
The beanies hats can be your perfect partner in the snowy weather, not only it reflects style, looks but also provide maximum protection from the chilling temperatures when wearing.
Fedoras hats

Well, the fedora hats have their own charming class and style that consumers are dying for. A well-known classic, stylish and minimal style hat of all times. From the old classics, the hats got it demand and it never ended since then. In old movies, only gangster and baddies used to wear these type of hats, but these hats aren’t only limited to them.
Cowboy hat

Whenever there is the season of Yee-haw and horse riding, the cowboy boots and cowboy hats are thing for sure. You must have seen someone wearing a cowboy hats that how much popular these are. These got famous from the western movies and they are popular option till date. Both men and women likes t wears to cowboy hats and not only when riding a horse, but also with a casual look.
Trilby hats

The trilby hats are similar to the fedora hat as both of them belong to the same category and reflects a similar style, looks and vibes with only few point of difference in terms of looks. Comparatively, the trebly hats have shorter brims than the fedora or cow boy hats and they are tilted down from the front side.

The homburgs are considered as an absolute crown and top notch gangster hat that one can wear in the 90’s but this style hat wasn’t made to just limited to that era only. The fedora hat family member, the homburgs are considered as ultimate luxury hat that only certain people wears. In fact, in Britain region this hat is very first worn by the king of Britain.
Top hats

The top hats are majorly worn by the magic, or people with funny costumes. These are not worn casually or not everyone can wear them as these specifically made for the certain type of occasions. There is a certain type of clothing that include long colorful dresses and frock. There are less chances for these type of hats to back in the fashion, we believe they have played their part.
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Snapback hats vs dad hats which are best?
The debate of the dad hats vs snapback are never ending, both types of caps are unique and useful in their own ways and have a potential audience. One fact that is must to have a majority audience is that they wish for an adjustable caps so that they can adjust the hat as per their head size and comfort level. Coming to differences between the snapback hats and dad hats is that snapback hats some with a flat or strong flat brim which looks pretty stylish, the snap back hats comes with a different type of adjustable pad at the back of the hat. The adjustable hat at the back of the hat is of the button style.
On the other hand the dad hats comes with a little curved brim that provides a whole unique look when wearing it. The snapback hats look good in both direction when worn being the brim above the face or in the opposite direction, you can wear it in any direction you want and we are sure you will get along fashion. But the dad hats looks good only when you wear them from front. While the dad hats comes with an adjustable belt with a sort of buckle that is used to adjustable the size and fitting of the hat.
The dad hats are look good with a simple design and decent look, adding to much colors and design in your dad hats might affect the decency and look of this hat. If you want to design the hats, then snap back are best for you. If you have a bigger head or you wants to wear a comfortable hats that never feels too much fit over your head, then snapback is the good option for you.
Advice Don’t try to match the color of your hats with the sneakers you are wearing, in most of the cases it doesn’t look good, although you match your hats with the little color accents of the your attire, this will look good and add a proper finish to your look.